diving off the florida keys, october 2010. photo by jonnie yaptengco. |
around this time of year we mainers know that there are obviously still months of cold and snow and ice left. in our neck of the woods, snow shovels, four wheel drive and wood stoves had not seen much action so far this winter until yesterday's blizzard. (more on that tomorrow.) yet, around this time of year, knowing the deep biting cold has hardly flexed its muscles and shown its power to turn our toes and fingers and brains to icicles, we never-the-less still start to imagine the warm air and warm seas of summer. we torture ourselves with these visions despite the fact that we love maine, and enjoy [some aspects of] winter. or else why the heck would we live here? (good question, huh?)
right now i'm thinking about warm air and warm seas. i will leave my beloved maine in the near future and allow the seductive power of warm southern seas into my heart. but just for a little while; i'll be back in maine before ya know it. here is a picture of the deep rich blue green sea off the florida keys, where james did some diving in october. just as warm as bath water....i'm headed in that direction for a good soak myself.
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